Insurance Approved Security Bollards & Parking Posts
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AutoGuard, offering a range of premium quality, high performance security bollards for your home or business.
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Automatic (Plugin & Battery Powered), Fixed & Removable Security Bollards
Home & Business Security Bollards
Ideal for driveways & car park entrances, management parking bays as well as in front of warehouse shutters.
We can add an extra layer of security and promote a visual deterrent for your business with our rising bollards.
Automatic Bollards (Battery Powered)
Install in any location! The battery will give you approx. 1800 operations before charging.
Fixed Security Bollards
Protect buildings or pedestrians! Fixed into a permanent location, these bollards play a key isolation role.
Automatic Bollards (Plugin Operation)
Reinforced automatic stainless steel Bollards. Our Automatic bollard is one of the most popular bollards we supply.
Removable Security Bollards
Protection to pedestrians & restrict vehicles, with the benefit of being re-movable